'On the ground near *me*'
R2K pointed out some strange figures on 'the ground near you' he google-earthed my house. I never saw them before because they are a small block away and I never go there. Oh and the pics are of a crappy quality I know, but I took them with my camera-phone and I was in a hurry.

These mozaiks (sp) represent the neighbourhood which has streetnames like (translated) Saphirestreet, Diamondstreet, Gemstreet, Brilliantstreet (these mozaiks are in this street) etc.

Like I said in the comments, the entire block in range of the circles is called Briljantstraat (brilliantstreet). Click to enlarge and you'll see. I don't envy first-time postmen in this neighbourhood ;)

These mozaiks (sp) represent the neighbourhood which has streetnames like (translated) Saphirestreet, Diamondstreet, Gemstreet, Brilliantstreet (these mozaiks are in this street) etc.

Like I said in the comments, the entire block in range of the circles is called Briljantstraat (brilliantstreet). Click to enlarge and you'll see. I don't envy first-time postmen in this neighbourhood ;)
Haha so cool! More grassy than I had expected, looks like Russia.
ah, interesting! so... which one's brilliantstreet?
the funny thing is..they all are brilliantstreet.
They have this huge series of blocks which are all called Brilliantstreet. I'm thankfull I'm not a postman cause a first time finding a house there is probably a real hassle.
I'll post the google earth pic r2k showed me.
Lordie, i saw the first picture and thought OMG THE UMBRELLA CORPORATION!?!??!? AIIAIAEEEEEEEEEee!!!
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