Monday, October 10, 2005

40k etc.

Yay.. I base painted my broodlord. So now it is all white. Maybe if I get the time this morning I'll take a pic of it with my new sweetastic telephone cam :P (now I only have to figure out how to get it off the phone on my comp.)
Also did the first layer of paint on my Carnifex. After painting a lot of stuff just base Bleached Bone..I decided to do it the hard way and paint it over again with bestial brown and start from there. On about 2/3 of the model there are already about 2 layers of red (scab & gore) painted on a base of black. So my carni might actually be going somewhere. Every weekend a small step for my Carnifex...and no..not a giant leap for me. It's just that study takes up to much time, and I don't get around to painting during the week. I've also pinned my Zoanthrope and the tail of a Ravener the week before. I think I could have the Thrope finished in a couple of weeks (4 /5).

Oh ..and I'm quite satisfied with the GS job on my broodlord. The GS job is as good as invissible to the eye after painting it white.

I had a party at my cousin's place (her!! birthdayparty).
I couldn't find a separate word for a male cousin/female cousin (darn you altavista).
I had a great time, didn't drank too much, but didn't sleep to much either. Had a nice breakfast with popcorn, baked egg with ham on a piece of bread and mini-pizza's...gotta love those parties.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok that's it..I'm going to get myself a word verification defice.
I hate!!!!!!!!1111 commercial boy.

And it's not even a short commercial post..noooo it's mighty long.

10 October 2005 at 10:13  
Blogger Arjan said...

soo..much better...that is..I removed it.
Tomorrow I'll get me this word verification. For now: the showers and off to Groningen.

10 October 2005 at 10:15  
Blogger The Angelus Sanctus said...

Yeah, word verification is great... I hated getting that shit spam, cos it was the most trivial thing I have seen.... Trust me, it may seem to be an inconvenience, but its alot better than seeing pointless posts.

nice to hear the nids are one their way. I might layby a battle force at May store (although I wont get My 10% off on it since its a 3 month layby). But Im not sure yet.


10 October 2005 at 12:03  
Blogger Erwin said...

hmm.... I'm still struggling with my new patch of rank and file guys... 'bout 8 of them :S

I just can't get the time on the right moments to do the job.

But I did decide I would be starting some sweet melding on my new veteran sarge.... and maybe on my assault vet too.
we'll see

11 October 2005 at 16:55  
Blogger The Angelus Sanctus said...

rank and file guys are easy, just depends on the paint scheme I guess... Then again, I dont like rank and file no more, soo yeah, its definitely easier!

12 October 2005 at 12:15  

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