
I got a kilo of them for only €1,09. Well..their from the cheapest brand..and they call them spicenuts..but that's just a small difference.
They are almost the same and taste darn good. I keep eating and eating and eating them.
If you don't got them or know them...I'm going to put up a decent easy recipe soon.
about the seems like they demand that I should make a breakfast for their boardmembers. Hmm well I've yet to see the written letter but the message cracked me up ;)
I'll soon update 40K'ish stuff.
I posted...and my menu came back :D
i expect a bagfull of those in my mailbox tomorrow morning ;)
After december the 5th the'll be 50 cents for 2 kilo! Hamsteren!
Btw, who's the chick on the Beensblogs?
go check her blog and find out Maarten..
gimme an adress and I might check what it would cost to send a bag overthere ;)
Still gotta ask my boss about the mooncakes..
okay on the condition you bake them from scratch :P
I can bake them..but a kilo is a bit much to bake by myself ;)
They do taste even better if you bake them yourself in stead of buying them.
okay how about half a kilo then? they better be good ;)
they are!!!
I'll see if I can find some time to dig up a decent recipe etc.
pfft..this week is SO not fun.
busy with all kinds of nonsense, no ninjitsu, not enough running, no sleep last night because of an all-nighter..
Oh dude, I can smell them already :o
see, its nonsense like that you should be blogging about :D
I guess I'll split up posts then hehe.
1 part odd everyday life
1 part 40K. Going to have a game tomorrow and next week there's a tourney (which I'm organizing btw)
Now I only need to get painting again. Can anyone 'spare me some time' ;)
and 1 part "the adventures of dutchnid the baker"
*nudge nudge*
your life is much more interestin compared to mine :(
oh life is sooooo interesting that sometimes I don't have time to live it ;)
I think I'll update tonight.
I'll ask my mum if peppernuts stay good long enough if they're homemade.
I'll even update my soundtracks of whatever. Veronica Guerin :D
haha nice.
*chants* update ! update !
procrastination is a bitch.
Got home....did nothing ..more of nothing..a dishes..some cooking..and watched 2 episodes of Dexter and had 2 special Belgium beers...
I guess updates been postponed to fryday.
Oh and my shoulder feels like there's some kind of bone broken..
Damnit..if there is really something doc will yell at me for still trying to get to 500 punch combinations in ninjitsu training...oh well..let's get it checked up first and then jump to conclusions..(I don't need my arms to jump)
dexter rocks ! belgium beer ? any good ?
hope your shoulder's better now :(
hehe..typo..should've been BelgiaN beers..but anyways: yeah very very good brews.
They're renowned for their special brews.
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