Goblin,chaosthing, gaunt, BL, ripperflail?
Yes a ripperflail. That is when a spacemarine grabs a ripper and uses it as a flail...

A goblin:

I got this one together with the 'anonymous model' and don't know what game it belongs to..
Chaos thingie:

I don't know if I posted this one before...but I made a pic today.
I hacked and slashed this gaunt a bit and tried to make it look a bit more agressive than the standard gaunt.

I know there are a lot of pics...but it's better than making 5 separate posts..

The broodlord needs carapace and a varnish coat..but it was up for a mugshot :)

A goblin:

I got this one together with the 'anonymous model' and don't know what game it belongs to..
Chaos thingie:

I don't know if I posted this one before...but I made a pic today.
I hacked and slashed this gaunt a bit and tried to make it look a bit more agressive than the standard gaunt.

I know there are a lot of pics...but it's better than making 5 separate posts..

The broodlord needs carapace and a varnish coat..but it was up for a mugshot :)
Brood Lord Me likes, cept he still looks a tad bit huggy like.
Gaunt looks a lil weird, honestly, he just looks like he's tilting :P
Nice Chaos thingie :D
Yay to thumbs-up goblin :D
And that Ripper seriously looks like he is enjoying being used as a flail =x
hehe the only models in 40k that you absolutely DO NOT want tilting mid game are terminators, so he's safe there.
Seriously man, you HAVE to give those bermarines true grit and give them ripper flails and talon swords as cc weapons, maybe a powerfist with rending claw nails attached to it?
Than give'm favored enemy: Nids too.
Very fluffy.
omg. broodlord is a TOTAL BADASS. that is so fuckin awesome.
yess he's my personal Arnold Schwarzenegger without the broken leg hehe.
.... but he died anyhoo.
as a first: it wasn't the plasmapistol which killed him..it was his assault (running into a sword is never a good thing..)
But just as Scharzenegger..he'll be back ^^
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