A tag on everyone by Idaho Dad got me to take this photo of my mugs.

From left to right.
- A mug from the Christmasmarket in Oldenburg.
- A mug with my name on it
- A mug with Marco van Basten on it (this one's quite old, at least 22 years old dating back to the 1988 European Championship Football)
- Brachiosaurus - there was a whole range of these must be around 15 years old too.
- A mug with my mugshot. Well, actually the photo is part of a family photo. My brother has one with his face, my parents with theirs (together) and my sister and her bf one with theirs (together)
Thinking about it, only the last mug isn't that old, the rest are around 10 years or older.

From left to right.
- A mug from the Christmasmarket in Oldenburg.
- A mug with my name on it
- A mug with Marco van Basten on it (this one's quite old, at least 22 years old dating back to the 1988 European Championship Football)
- Brachiosaurus - there was a whole range of these must be around 15 years old too.
- A mug with my mugshot. Well, actually the photo is part of a family photo. My brother has one with his face, my parents with theirs (together) and my sister and her bf one with theirs (together)
Thinking about it, only the last mug isn't that old, the rest are around 10 years or older.
Labels: mugs
What happens when your sister and her BF split up eh? One wasted mug - that's what.
It's people like you that are responsible for the environmental disaster the world is facing. You de leeswijzer van het de poneyuitsteeksel van heksen
they could still use the mug to through at eachother..that's not a waste!
For a moment there I thought your translator thingie was actually quite good, but this last sentence really makes no sense at all...
Great mugs! I definitely need to get one with my name on it. My kids are always using mine.
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Hoi Arjan,
Mijn naam is Alison en ik kreeg je blogadres van Jan ter Harmsel. Ik ben promovenda bij het Universiteit van Cambridge; mijn onderzoek betreft het gebruik van Engels door Nederlanders, incl. in de blogosfeer. Meer over mij kan je vinden op en In het kort ben ik op zoek naar Nederlanders die bereid zijn in mijn onderzoek deel te nemen. Deelneming is via e-mail en duurt maximaal 10 minuten; Jan heeft al deelgenomen. Ik wou vragen of ik je een mail kan sturen met verdere info over de studie; ik kon je mailadres via google niet vinden (smart!), maar ik ben te bereiken via ae302 at (not smart, but oh well). Geef je me een seintje?
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