Calling slut
a what...a calling slut.
I'm the secretary of a study society (student society..but then so-called study-related). To get money from the university so we can organise who-knows-what kind of activities, we have to have our memberslist in order. That means names, adresses, studentnrs etc.
When most of the people sign up for membership they don't know their studentnrs yet and half of the time during some time they get a new phonenr, move from house to house etc.
All in all this means that I either miss info or info is incorrect. So this is what I had to do: call every member where info was either missing or probably incorrect.
I've been on the phone for almost 2,5 hours straight calling calling calling. Talking to parents, getting 'out of order tunes', voicemails, people who finished their studies 3 years ago etc.
I'm half-way working my ass through the darn list so I bet there's at least 2,5 hours of calling left for me to enjoy. And the people I couldn't reach..I have to e-mail.
Oh boy oh boy oh boy..what a joy. The one good thing about this..I don't have to pay for the calls :)
Arjan the calling slut
I'm the secretary of a study society (student society..but then so-called study-related). To get money from the university so we can organise who-knows-what kind of activities, we have to have our memberslist in order. That means names, adresses, studentnrs etc.
When most of the people sign up for membership they don't know their studentnrs yet and half of the time during some time they get a new phonenr, move from house to house etc.
All in all this means that I either miss info or info is incorrect. So this is what I had to do: call every member where info was either missing or probably incorrect.
I've been on the phone for almost 2,5 hours straight calling calling calling. Talking to parents, getting 'out of order tunes', voicemails, people who finished their studies 3 years ago etc.
I'm half-way working my ass through the darn list so I bet there's at least 2,5 hours of calling left for me to enjoy. And the people I couldn't reach..I have to e-mail.
Oh boy oh boy oh boy..what a joy. The one good thing about this..I don't have to pay for the calls :)
Arjan the calling slut
sucks to be you man.
i once spent 4 hours straight callin potential students for college.
at least now you know youve got great phone skills :D
hell yes I got Ph0n3 $k177$
the funniest thing is when a phone nr has been given to another person and you get a totally different person on the phone than you were expecting. I got a guy on the phone who works for the government..he asked me if I would please not distribute his nr hehe.
almost forgot: yesterday added a 13-18.30 phone time to the other day.
Awww, ya a calling slut now heh :P
Heh, next name stage up, has to be phone slut and we all know where that leads to :P
If it makes you feel any better since i took up my new position at work, I have been required to call a few customers here and there and boy, it isn't fun sometimes (I swear half of them want to eat your ear off).
But it isn't that bad.
mmmm ear nibbling ^^
I'll make a decent update on both my blogs the next coming days :)
Hard work : )
Well i wasnt exactly trying to double post, blogger was being weird =x
tss of course you are posting in the right blog ;)
You're just posting the wrong message.
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