Finally an update
Stop's a 40k blog (mainly). And I didn't have any time for 40k the last weeks :(
So in other news. I still haven't settled in in my new's still one hell of a mess! But my pc and my bed are installed so the most important parts are in place ;)
Last week was a whirlwind. Getting up early..going out the door..and coming back in late. Little sleep many things to do. Signing contracts, tricking people into renting my old room, ninjitsu training where we had to jump as much as a frog in his complete life, a case study (subject) project where we had to set up a communications bureau with it's own filosophy and a plan of what we want to do with the assignment. Deadline on fryday 16.30. In the meanwhile boyo Erwin decided to go check out the booze in the pubs of Groningen on thursday night. It was snowing like mad, I didn't have gloves and had to bike for at least 15 minutes to get him a bike ..plans changed with me biking him back to my room (still snowing..but he braught my gloves!) finally home again..a little while later he got on the bike and went out.
At 11pm I started on the forementioned assignment together with a group partner. We decided to call it a night at 3am. Sms'ed Erwin and he told me he would come home somewhere within the next...well whatever. I went to bed and had to open the door at 4.20 am. We got up again on 8.45. Had to work on the assignment again at 11 am. We delived the assignment in the dropbox at 4.25 right on time. Next had to do a big dishes with Erwin, cook and go off to Veendam again. Next day party at my sister's. Not too much booze..but still little sleep. Built a snowman...will put up a pic later on. I stayed on sunday's aswell because of 1 the snow 2 my student's public traffic card let's me travel for free from monday till fryday ;) home at 11.30 am. Got college at 12 till 2. Went home..nice hailstorm in my face! 4 pm college again..wooptiedoo. 6.30 home again with groceries. Dished-cooking (have to get another rhytme damnit) and off to a meeting and a drink in a pub. Home at 0.30 ...had to get up early this morning ..obligatory college.
So that's what I've been doing. Oh and I don't have any 40k with me atm.
And the Noorderspel event looks like it's being cancelled damnit!!!
Off to hit the showers and off to college!
P.S. it's international women's day...teehee :S
So in other news. I still haven't settled in in my new's still one hell of a mess! But my pc and my bed are installed so the most important parts are in place ;)
Last week was a whirlwind. Getting up early..going out the door..and coming back in late. Little sleep many things to do. Signing contracts, tricking people into renting my old room, ninjitsu training where we had to jump as much as a frog in his complete life, a case study (subject) project where we had to set up a communications bureau with it's own filosophy and a plan of what we want to do with the assignment. Deadline on fryday 16.30. In the meanwhile boyo Erwin decided to go check out the booze in the pubs of Groningen on thursday night. It was snowing like mad, I didn't have gloves and had to bike for at least 15 minutes to get him a bike ..plans changed with me biking him back to my room (still snowing..but he braught my gloves!) finally home again..a little while later he got on the bike and went out.
At 11pm I started on the forementioned assignment together with a group partner. We decided to call it a night at 3am. Sms'ed Erwin and he told me he would come home somewhere within the next...well whatever. I went to bed and had to open the door at 4.20 am. We got up again on 8.45. Had to work on the assignment again at 11 am. We delived the assignment in the dropbox at 4.25 right on time. Next had to do a big dishes with Erwin, cook and go off to Veendam again. Next day party at my sister's. Not too much booze..but still little sleep. Built a snowman...will put up a pic later on. I stayed on sunday's aswell because of 1 the snow 2 my student's public traffic card let's me travel for free from monday till fryday ;) home at 11.30 am. Got college at 12 till 2. Went home..nice hailstorm in my face! 4 pm college again..wooptiedoo. 6.30 home again with groceries. Dished-cooking (have to get another rhytme damnit) and off to a meeting and a drink in a pub. Home at 0.30 ...had to get up early this morning ..obligatory college.
So that's what I've been doing. Oh and I don't have any 40k with me atm.
And the Noorderspel event looks like it's being cancelled damnit!!!
Off to hit the showers and off to college!
P.S. it's international women's day...teehee :S

And i thought my life sucked ponytails..... man.
this week it's far more relaxed :D
oh rly? hahaha, comboy strikes again....
btw I forgot to mention in the last reply: hmmmmm whirlwinds.
wtf..anonymous comboys???
what was wrong with the paul2346xz names
damn, you're fucked ^^
anonymous com boys are the worst kind :P
good luck ^^
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