Thursday, June 16, 2005

Carnifex a la Moloch

I just saw the pics of the carnifexes of Marco Schultze (Moloch) -> Please DON'T go there, why you ask me? Because it won't matter how I try to paint my carnifex or model things or make a great will look CRAP compared to what this guy did. Maybe it's just a short depressing post here...but I'm UNWORTHY!!!!!!
If you really want to pee your pants....go ahead take a look at his site and check out the 'New' part on his site, especially the Godzilla army. This guy really knows how to make models scary.

*runs away never to be seen again*....ok maybe I'll return in a couple of days.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTF! he built FOUR carnifexes in such a short time and made them look like that?!?!
we are unworthy! (he also included a tyrant and a warrior I think)

this is scary!


16 June 2005 at 12:54  

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