Back from Walchsee!
Just a short post about it..maybe a longer one later.
Thursday morning we left for München. Arrived at 9pm. Drank all the beer in our hotel (yes really!..they only opened 4 days ago and had no idea how well they would sell, because their neighbouring hotel is very popular as a pub).
So we went to the neighbouring hotel..and started on theirs (but they had plenty).
I wasn't the only one to fail the 'keep-the-beer-in test...but oh well we had a fun time and drank a lot. Cleaned up n stuff. So no problem there. We had breakfast with an enormous pizza and headed to Walchsee. Were there about 12.30. Trained at 4pm till 7pm. Ate in a restaurant. Saturday: trained from 9-13 somewhere in that training I twisted my knee. So oh joy..I had 2 days to go and was already a bit of a limp. Trained from 14-19. Ate. Sunday: 9-14 and 15-18 or so. Monday: 9-12. We had a lot of sun..but also a lot of rain. And because of doing all kinds of arms are red, brown and blue ;)
We went back on monday afternoon 1.30 pm. Arrived in Groningen around midnight. Yay for the Autobahn and driving 150-160kmh.
This pic was taken in a parking garage in München.

It says: parking place for women.
I'm sure they meant something nice by it...but well..write up the first things that come to your mind and have a laugh ;)
Thursday morning we left for München. Arrived at 9pm. Drank all the beer in our hotel (yes really!..they only opened 4 days ago and had no idea how well they would sell, because their neighbouring hotel is very popular as a pub).
So we went to the neighbouring hotel..and started on theirs (but they had plenty).
I wasn't the only one to fail the 'keep-the-beer-in test...but oh well we had a fun time and drank a lot. Cleaned up n stuff. So no problem there. We had breakfast with an enormous pizza and headed to Walchsee. Were there about 12.30. Trained at 4pm till 7pm. Ate in a restaurant. Saturday: trained from 9-13 somewhere in that training I twisted my knee. So oh joy..I had 2 days to go and was already a bit of a limp. Trained from 14-19. Ate. Sunday: 9-14 and 15-18 or so. Monday: 9-12. We had a lot of sun..but also a lot of rain. And because of doing all kinds of arms are red, brown and blue ;)
We went back on monday afternoon 1.30 pm. Arrived in Groningen around midnight. Yay for the Autobahn and driving 150-160kmh.
This pic was taken in a parking garage in München.

It says: parking place for women.
I'm sure they meant something nice by it...but well..write up the first things that come to your mind and have a laugh ;)