I've had this model for ages but this year I finally got around to start finishing it. One of the minor reasons was that I got decent magnets now.
I háven't finished the model yet but you're all smart enough to figure that out by yourself, this is just the last photo stage before I dó finish it.
The leg section with base:
I painted the magnetside of the magnets red (the other side I call the that's creative!..not).

The model has 3 different shoulderpads, basic, weapon 1 and weapon 2.

The thing what is a bit stupid is that it has basicly 6 possible headcombinations, but only 11 headparts. The regen-part is combined with one of the basic-parts which leaves you with no nórmal head. Good thing that my 2nd carnifex has just arrived in a box, so I wíll make one.

So far I've magnetized the heavy weapons and 1 set of other guns, the rest (a bunch of other combi's) is WIP.

Heavy weapons above, other set below.

Even though I did the whole paint the magnetsize red so you know which side you need to glue etc..I did make a major error..the lower right torso magnet was glued the other way around than which it should have been and I already built in the heavy weapon arm magnet. If it was just the torso it wouldn't have been a problem to 'break' the magnet off, but I can't possibly get it óut of the heavy weaponsarm.
This just means that the places of the heavy weapons arms are fixed. The venom cannon is the lower set and the barbed strangler has to be the top set.
If not, it looks like this:
*the combi on the photo is a twin-devourer on top and a barbed strangler in the lower set, which doesn't work..*

As I said, the next carnifex has already arrived. I'm not sure I want to get that one magnetized too. Next to that I'm not sure if I want to built the error that I made on the above model into the new one on purpose so that all arms will be completely interchangable or that I want to do this one right and will have to wait a bit longer to get éach and évery possible combination (some sets such as the devourer only come in one set per model).
I háven't finished the model yet but you're all smart enough to figure that out by yourself, this is just the last photo stage before I dó finish it.
The leg section with base:

I painted the magnetside of the magnets red (the other side I call the that's creative!..not).

The model has 3 different shoulderpads, basic, weapon 1 and weapon 2.

The thing what is a bit stupid is that it has basicly 6 possible headcombinations, but only 11 headparts. The regen-part is combined with one of the basic-parts which leaves you with no nórmal head. Good thing that my 2nd carnifex has just arrived in a box, so I wíll make one.

So far I've magnetized the heavy weapons and 1 set of other guns, the rest (a bunch of other combi's) is WIP.

Heavy weapons above, other set below.

Even though I did the whole paint the magnetsize red so you know which side you need to glue etc..I did make a major error..the lower right torso magnet was glued the other way around than which it should have been and I already built in the heavy weapon arm magnet. If it was just the torso it wouldn't have been a problem to 'break' the magnet off, but I can't possibly get it óut of the heavy weaponsarm.
This just means that the places of the heavy weapons arms are fixed. The venom cannon is the lower set and the barbed strangler has to be the top set.
If not, it looks like this:
*the combi on the photo is a twin-devourer on top and a barbed strangler in the lower set, which doesn't work..*

As I said, the next carnifex has already arrived. I'm not sure I want to get that one magnetized too. Next to that I'm not sure if I want to built the error that I made on the above model into the new one on purpose so that all arms will be completely interchangable or that I want to do this one right and will have to wait a bit longer to get éach and évery possible combination (some sets such as the devourer only come in one set per model).